Ethernet Setup for Mac
Before you begin you must have the following:
- An Ethernet cable connected from your computer to an Ethernet jack
Register for Network Access
The registration process will automatically begin the first time you connect to Trinity’s network and open a web browser.
An online registration form will display. If the form does not appear, you can navigate to it at
- When prompted, enter your username and password.
- Follow the directions to complete the registration process.
- When all items are checked off on the screen, the registration process is complete.
- Having problems? Restart your computer.
- You will not need to register again until the next academic year. The site will tell you when your device registrations expire, and allow you to renew them ahead of time.
If you cannot access Trinity websites to register your computer, follow the instructions below to ensure your computer is properly configured.
1.) Click on the Network menu in the top right, and if the first menu item reads “AirPort: On”, turn the AirPort off by clicking on Turn AirPort Off
2.) From the Apple menu at the top left, select System Preferences
3.) Select Network
4.) Under the Location drop down menu, select Automatic
5.) Select Ethernet from the menu of network devices (if you’ve connected a USB Ethernet adapter, select that instead)
6.) Click on the Advanced button
7.) The tab labeled TCP/IP should be set to Using DHCP
8.) Click the Renew DHCP Lease button